around this time , what began as a " curious technology from an advanced country " moved on to serve as a means of travel , an indispensable means of transportation for industrial development , and a tool for war and other functions . この間鉄道は「物珍しい先進国の技術」から始まって、旅行の足、産業発展に不可欠な輸送機関、戦争遂行のための道具などの責務を担った。
joint implementation (ji ) refers to a system in which an advanced country of investment (a country which invests ) reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emissions in a host advanced country of investment (a country where the activities are carried out ); and the reduction of emissions achieved there (eru: emission reduction unit ) is traded among these advanced countries . 共同実施 (JI Joint Implementation) とは、投資先進国(出資をする国)がホスト先進国(事業を実施する国)で温室効果ガス排出量を削減し、そこで得られた削減量 (ERU Emission Reduction Unit) を取引する制度。
joint implementation (ji ) refers to a system in which an advanced country of investment (a country which invests ) reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emissions in a host advanced country of investment (a country where the activities are carried out ); and the reduction of emissions achieved there (eru: emission reduction unit ) is traded among these advanced countries . 共同実施 (JI Joint Implementation) とは、投資先進国(出資をする国)がホスト先進国(事業を実施する国)で温室効果ガス排出量を削減し、そこで得られた削減量 (ERU Emission Reduction Unit) を取引する制度。